There is an inherently important cell that can make all the difference in true remission and cancer recurrence.
This important cell is a cancer stem cell (CSC). Cancer stem cells are pluripotent, meaning they can develop into most, if not all cell types. Basically, they can become anything.
There are many theories on where these cells come from and how they are involved in creating cancerous tumors. But what is most important is the fact that these cancer stem cells are in the blood stream of cancer patients. Once a malignant tumor becomes 1-2 mm’s in size, it creates its’ own blood supply — once there is blood perfusion, the CSCs are able to circulate into the regular blood supply.
Researchers are now finding that cancer originates from a small population of stem-like, tumor initiating cells.
According to The Ludwig Center for Cancer Stem Cell Research and Medicine at Stanford…
The stem cell theory of cancer proposes that among all cancerous cells, a few act as stem cells that reproduce themselves and sustain the cancer, much like normal stem cells normally renew and sustain our organs and tissues. In this view, cancer cells that are not stem cells can cause problems, but they cannot sustain an attack on our bodies over the long term.”
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What is important to know about cancer stem cells?
Chemotherapy and radiation do not work on cancer stem cells.
Current standard of care therapy is not addressing the root cause of cancer. Chemotherapy works on the daughter cells, which are the actual tumor cells, but not the cells that create the tumor cells.
In fact, according to Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD:
The problem is that the cancer stem cells mutate in response to chemo, and then the daughter cells, which are produced by the more chemo resistant stem cells, become chemo resistant tumors. This is why tumors respond to the first series of chemo treatment, but do not respond nearly as well after recurrence.”
What is important for people to realize is that, on average, a tumor has been growing 8 – 10 years before it is large enough to be seen by current imaging. After the first bout of chemo treatment it is a mistake to think the cancer is gone — we do not have the ability to see cancer stem cells.
They are literally floating in the body.
After knocking the cancer back with surgery and/or chemo it is the perfect time to address the root of the cancer with substances that can weaken and destroy the cancer stem cells.
How to attack cancer stem cells
There are plant based substances that are very powerful and effective at attacking and destroying CSCs like curcumin from tumeric, resveratrol, green tea, catechin, quercetin, ellagic acid, auranofin, to name some of the most powerful.
One of my favorites as a Chinese Medicine practitioner is a famous Chinese herb call Huang Qin, Scutellaria Baicalensis.
In Chinese medicine this herb is included in many tumor fighting formulas. It has phytochemicals like berberine, baicalin, baicalein and woogonin; which are in the flavonols group of chemicals that turn cancer growth off, turn inflammation off, and apoptosis on (the cancer suicide gene that is not functioning in cancer cells).
What is amazing about these substances is they are very selective — they only damage, inhibit, and kill cancer cells. They do not harm healthy cells in any way. If anything they make healthy cells stronger.
As Dr. Russell Blaylock MD states…
“They kill the stem cells, repress the stem cells growth, they kill the daughter cells, they help encase the cancer, they suppress these invasion enzymes, reduce the metastasis, and they protect the tissue – the normal tissue – to help keep it from converting to this same process.”
Can you imagine if the “standard of care” included these powerful plant based substances to address the stem cells from the moment the cancer was detected? I believe our treatment outcomes would be entirely different.
Ultimately, the real problem is the micro-environment of the stem cell, the human body. We need to change this environment with nutrition, hydration, detoxification, oxygenation and by rebuilding the immune system. Our most powerful force against cancer is our own immune system, and it always will be. The key is to repair our bodies before we are ever diagnosed.
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