This was my first three day water fast and I learned a lot!
I was motivated to do a three day fast for three reasons: I wanted to clean up after the holidays, I wanted see what it felt like to be fully in ketosis, (link to fasting article) and I was curious about the spiritual aspect of fasting.
Day 1
Sunday was the first day of my fast and even though I was hungry, I had full strength and was able to do my regular Sunday chores at the horse barn.
My children, however, said I was very grumpy and irritable. (I didn’t think so. ha!)
Day 2
On the second day I saw patients at the clinic.
Even though I was hungry, the only symptoms I experienced out of the norm were extreme fatigue about 2:00 PM which lasted about an hour, and slight dizziness a couple of times through the day. Otherwise, I basically felt normal. That night I did a magnesium bath, 2 cups of Epsom salts in a hot bath, and broke a sweat for 15 minutes and went to bed.
Day 3
On the third day, I woke and walked into the kitchen.
Everyone looked at me and said “you look completely normal for not eating for three days”. I said I felt great. About thirty minutes later when I was fixing my children’s lunch for school, incredible nausea and dizziness came on instantly. I felt absolutely horrible. I drove the kids to school, and couldn’t wait to get home.
Thankfully, Tuesday was a work day at home.
Physically, I would not have been able to work at the clinic, I literally spent the day lying down. When I stood up both the nausea and dizziness started again.
I did spend much of the third day meditating, but realized if I really wanted a spiritual experience from a fast, I needed to schedule time away from my regular life and spend time each day in prayer and meditation.
Surprisingly, even though I felt like I drank water constantly, I was thirsty all the time and my mouth felt dry through the entire fast. I easily drank 14 to 18 glasses of water.
When I broke my fast, I ate half an organic orange and waited an hour before eating something else. For some reason the juice from the orange was extremely painful to my mouth. Possibly the acidity? Fruit was a good way to transition, but I wouldn’t start with an orange next time. I think I would choose a juicy pair. Immediately my energy increased, I made an organic vegetable soup and enjoyed one of my best tasting meals ever.
My biggest lesson?
If there is a next time, schedule the time away because it is impossible to know how you are going to feel. (I do believe I will do it again.)
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